Why your best ideas come at the most random of times

Why your best ideas come at the most random of times

Ever notice how you tend to have some of your best ideas when you’re not actually working?

Usually when you’re in the car, in the shower, when you’re brushing your teeth, pretty much anywhere that isn’t sat at your desk looking at your screen.

When you’re at your desk working, or even in meetings ‘brainstorming’ you might get the odd gem of an idea, but generally they happen when you’re not forcing an idea.

They happen best when you’re not even thinking about work, when your mind is free to wander…

“What should I have for dinner tonight?....

…I got my first real six-string, bought it at the five and dime…how has that popped into my head…

…looks like it’s going to rain, really need to mow my lawn…nah I’ll do it tomorrow…

...I really need to get around to watching GOT again, can't believe Liam Clarke took a year to get through it, he's not even finished The Office yet...

...It wasn't as good after Michael left, I'm gonna have to watch Parks & Rec again, can't believe its not free on Prime anymore, it's amazing but I'm not paying for it...

...Ron Swanson is hilarious, maybe I should grow a moustache...

… why don’t we just remove that part of process? It doesn’t add any value, it’s a waste of time doing doing it, nobody knows why we do it. That would reduce the entire process by about 3 days!”

Crazy isn’t it, your mind wanders from random thought to random thought and BOOM the solution to a problem you’ve been trying to solve pops right into your head from nowhere.

So today, step away from your desk. Go for a walk, get a change of scenery, potter about around the house or the office and let your mind just wander.

I had the idea for this post whilst waiting for the kettle to boil, didn’t have my phone with me to mindlessly scroll TikTok like normal so my mind had no choice but to wander.

Is it one of my best ideas? Nope. Is it even a good idea? Who knows. But it’s an idea.


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