The Ultimate Guide To Job Searching

The Ultimate Guide To Job Searching

Searching for a job is hard.

They say it’s easier to get a job when you’ve got a job, but given the last four years of mass lay offs and economic uncertainty, this is no longer true.

The truth is, it doesn’t matter whether you currently have a job or you don’t, searching for job is hard full stop.

There is a lot of conflicting advice when it comes to job searching, CVs, job interviews and recruitment in general, as a recruiter of almost 20 years I thought I’d pull together this no BS guide to help people in their job search.

I’m Lee Harding, I’ve been in recruitment for a very long time. I’ve worked for recruitment agencies, I’ve built and lead internal recruitment teams and I’ve consulted for some of the biggest companies in the world.

You can check out my credentials and experience on my LinkedIn Profile.

Who is this guide for?

If you’re actively looking for a job right now or considering looking for a new job soon then this guide is for you.

The tips and advice in this guide are industry agnostic and apply whether you are early on in your career or well into it.

I’ll dispel some of the common myths, I’ll use every day language and there’ll be zero BS.

What’s in this guide?

As well as practical tips, how-to’s and working with recruiters, I’ll also cover how to optimise your CV and LinkedIn profile, how to search for jobs, how to prepare for interviews, how to negotiate your salary and some templates you can use too.

Included you'll get:

· The Ultimate Guide to Job Searching Ebook
· Fully Customisable CV Template
· Document with 180+ Interview Questions
· The Top 10 Interview questions and how to answer them
· Job Interview Follow Up Email Template
· Job Resignation Email Template

You can download the guide and everything else here:

The Ultimate Guide To Job Searching


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