Should You Accept A Counter Offer?

Should You Accept A Counter Offer?

You should never accept a counter offer.

This is the advice that most recruiters will give you.

Which makes sense right, they've taken you all the way through the process and the finish line is in sight, if you turn the offer down then they're usually back to square one.

But sometimes it makes sense to accept a counter offer, if money was the only reason you started looking and the counter offer solves that problem then it might make sense to take it.

If you started looking because you were bored, will the extra cash compensate for that, or will you still be bored in 6 months once the novelty of the extra salary wears off?

Deciding whether to take a counter offer or not is a super personal choice.

Don't be swayed by made up statistics like "80% of people who accept a counter offer regret it and leave within 6 months".

Those stats are entirely made up.

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