Recruiter Capacity: How many live roles should a recruiter have?

Recruiter Capacity: How many live roles should a recruiter have?
Recruiter Capacity: How many live roles should a recruiter have?

How many live roles should a recruiter have?

It's a question that gets asked by Talent Acquisition Leaders almost daily across all platforms.

A recruiter only has 40 hours per week, how many roles can they manage before they're over capacity?

My personal breaking point was 92 live requisitions, which wasn't healthy and resulted in me working 12 hour days and still pretty much failing.

So what is the optimum number?

It depends.

It depends on...

  • The capability of the recruiter
  • The complexity of the roles
  • The availability and/or scarcity of talent for that role
  • The time investment required on each of the roles, think deep sourcing vs volume hiring and assessment centres
  • The number of touch points in the hiring process
  • The availability of admin support
  • The maturity of the tech stack and opportunities for automation
  • The number of hiring managers the recruiter is managing
  • The capability of the hiring managers and how much time they demand from the recruiter
  • The number of candidates the recruiter is managing
  • The stage each vacancy is at, 10 roles at sourcing stage is different than 2 at sourcing stage, 6 at interview and 2 at offer
  • The quality of service the recruiter is expected to give candidates
  • The quality of service the recruiter is expected to give hiring managers
  • Any additional side projects the recruiter needs to work on
  • The overall TA strategy and business objectives

So how many roles should a recruiter have? It depends.

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