Recruiter Branding is just as important as Employer Branding

Recruiter Branding is just as important as Employer Branding

Employer branding, a topic that’s been covered by thousands of blogs, has been spoken about at thousands of events and has been on everybody’s radar for years. And rightly so.

But the one thing you rarely see mentioned is Recruiter Branding.

“What is our reputation like in the market as an employer?” is often asked, but we never stop to ask “What is my reputation like in the market as a Recruiter?”

It’s question that I suspect is asked by agency recruiters more often than inhouse recruiters.

After all, if you’re going to build and then maintain a really solid desk, then you lean so much on the strength of both your client and candidate networks – your reputation and personal brand is key. It’s certainly something I thought about a lot during my agency days.

Personal branding in Talent Acquisition isn’t a topic I see come up very often at inhouse events, in blogs, webinars etc – if I’ve missed them please do send me them.

I often wonder why it’s not talked about more because it’s so important.

Candidates want to work with recruiters they can trust, switching jobs is a massive deal.

Hiring managers want to work with recruiters they can trust, who are experts in their field and can guide them in building their teams.

Colleagues want to work alongside people they respect, that they can learn from, that they can collaborate with.

If your brand as a recruiter is solid, by default so is your employers. If you’re seen as passionate, knowledgeable, trustworthy and credible – then so is your employer, otherwise you wouldn’t work there.

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