How Much Should You Pay For A CV Writer?

How Much Should You Pay For A CV Writer?

I will rewrite your CV & LinkedIn profile for only £1,200.

What? Seriously?

This landed in my inbox from a chap who'd been offered this service. He's been looking for work for quite some time, he has the open to work banner and posted about trying to find a job.

I had a look at his CV for him (completely free obvs) and there was very little wrong with it, couple of minor tweaks but nothing major. Certainly not £1,200's worth!

I know it's really tough out there, and when you're desperately looking for a job it can be very tempting to pay over the odds for a CV rewrite in the hope it will get you back into work.

Please don't.

I've reviewed a lot of CVs and most don't need £100 worth of work, let alone £1200 worth of work.

Quick fixes that can help you improve your CV are:

1. Don't just list your responsibilities and what you did. List your achievements, quantify in numbers if possible.

2. Make it really easy to read. Short simple sentences, white space, good sized font, don't cram it all into 1 or 2 pages. If you need 3 or 4 pages, as long as the content is relevant that is perfectly fine.

3. A short summary on the first page (couple of sentences) of who you are, what you're about and what you've done helps.

4. Think of the first half page as your shop window, does it encourage the reader to scroll and read the rest of it.

If do need help, there's a free CV template along with some pointers you can use to get you started that you can download for free.


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