Gaining 50,000 followers on TikTok

Gaining 50,000 followers on TikTok
Gaining 50,000 followers on TikTok

25th August 2023 I created my first TikTok video.

It was terrible. It wasn't even a video of me talking to the camera, it was just some animated text. I did this another 14 times. It just wasn't working.

My 16th video was me talking to camera. I hated it, I'd hoped to avoid doing it. But what I was doing wasn't working, so I decided to go "all in" on TikTok.

919 videos later, I'm so glad I did. I've just hit the 50,000 follower mark.

This number didn't seem achievable at all when I first started, it took me about 2 months to hit 1,000 followers, then another 3 months to get to 10,000. But since then it has snowballed a little and I'm getting about 10,000 new followers each month.

Here's some stuff I've learned:

Mix up your content - Some of my videos are me talking at camera and are over a minute long. Some are shorter 6 second videos, some are image carousels (which work really well) and others are memes I think are quite funny.

Consistency - For the first maybe 5 months I posted at least 3 times every single day. The more you post, the faster the algorithm understands who your people are, which brings me to...

Niche Down - TikTok now knows who my people are and the content they like. Whenever I post about job search or recruitment my videos do quite well, if I try to do something completely unrelated then it bombs. Now I only need to post once or twice a day.

Repurpose Content - If I'm having a crazy busy day or I just can't be bothered then I'll just repost an older video. It still does quite well. At weekends I always repurpose, it takes 5 minutes. Weekends are family time.

One video can see your account growth massively - I posted a video in mid March, not really any different than my usual videos. So far it has had 1.7m views and 18,200 new followers - from a single 1 minute video.

"What's your ROI? Are you winning any new business or candidates from it?" is a question I'm always asked when talking about TikTok.

My ROI - I'm helping people, adding value where I can and I'm building an audience that isn't limited to a single platform. Having an audience is only ever going to help right?

I've built networks with Senior TA folk, HR Directors and loads of other people I would never have connected with if not for TikTok.

And I've been in recruitment for almost 20 years. I've got loads of experience that puts me in a unique place to help people, so why wouldn't I?

So give me a follow on TikTok, you can find me searching for 'theintrovertedrecruiter' or if TikTok isn't your thing, you can find me using the same handle on Instagram.

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